South Metro
Area (sq km): 799
Number of Electors: 449,182
The South Metropolitan Region is a multi-member electoral region of the Legislative Council. The region was created in 1987 and became effective in 1989. The region is shared by six members of the upper house, three of which are Labor representatives.
A break down of the region’s residents:
- 37.4% of people in the South Metropolitan Region were born overseas, compared with 32.2% of Western Australia.
- 23.8% of people in the South Metropolitan Region used a language other than English at home.
- More South Metropolitan Region residents work in health care and social assistance than any other industry.Legislative
Assembly Electorates and their Members:
- Baldivis – Minister Reece Whitby MLA
- Bateman – Kim Giddens
- Bicton – Lisa O’Malley
- Cannington – Hon. Bill Johnston MLA
- Cockburn – David Scaife MLA
- Fremantle – Minister Simone McGurk MLA
- Jandakot – Yaz Mubarakai MLA
- Kwinana – Premier Roger Cook MLA
- Riverton – Dr. Jags Krishnan MLA
- Rockingham – Magenta Marshall MLA
- South Perth – Geoff Baker MLA
- Southern River – Terry Healy MLA
- Victoria Park – Hannah Beazley MLA
- Warnbro – Minister Paul Papalia MLA
- Willagee – Hon. Peter Tinley
Klara shares the South Metropolitan Electorate with three other South Metropolitan Members of the Legislative Council.
- Hon. Sure Ellery MLC
- Hon. Stephen Pratt MLC
- Hon. Kate Doust MLC